Vision & Mission Statement

MCS Lionhead
Vision statement:
MCS is a supportive educational community that promotes academic excellence through an integrated Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) focused curriculum.
Mission statement:
Moscow Charter School (MCS) provides a high-quality education in a welcoming and supportive environment with the goals of:
• Encouraging students to achieve their maximum potential and to become caring and successful members of society;
• Developing a lifelong love of learning in each child;
• Familiarizing students with the concepts and practices of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math (STEAM) through instruction and experiential learning;
• Stimulating the intellectual, emotional and physical development of every pupil;
• Creating a foundation for learning upon which students can build and maintain successful careers in areas of their own choosing;
• Providing each student with a sense of community through the close-knit environment at MCS and through frequent contact and engagement with the local community;
• Engaging students with the arts, literature, music and different cultures.
We believe that every child is gifted in some way. We are committed to each child’s success by helping them develop their own gifts in an academically rigorous but supportive atmosphere.