Counselor's Corner
Hello! I'm Ms. M our School Counselor and my role is to help our students with a variety of needs. When students' concerns or setbacks are addressed not only do they feel better, but their level of success in the classroom increases. Students may need assistance with social, emotional, or academic needs during the school day. Our comprehensive counseling program is designed to meet these needs through individual sessions, group counseling, and school counseling core curriculum lessons provided in a classroom setting.
- Individual sessions: I meet with students to discuss any number of concerns. Students can self-refer simply by asking a teacher if I am available, or they can let me know personally as I see all of our students multiple times a day. Teachers and parents can also request that I meet with a student when they see a need or have a concern.
- Group Counseling Sessions: I meet with groups of students for structured, scheduled group sessions that focus on particular skills such as strategies for academic success, stress management techniques, and test anxiety. Small group sessions also include conflict resolution between students and serve as a step between a student incident and a trip to the principal's office. In most situations, this step is more effective in preventing further incidences than a consequence alone.
- School Counseling Core Curriculum Lessons: Classroom lessons are available to all grade levels and address concerns teachers see or would like support with. These lessons are tied into our school-wide matrix and are often based around kindness and empathy, not only for others but ourselves as well. Past lessons have highlighted respect, perseverance, self-esteem, and calming techniques in stressful situations such as state-mandated testing.
I also work with parents and outside professionals (pediatricians and therapists) to ensure that students' needs are being met both in and out of the school setting, increasing their level of success in the classroom. If you have questions, would like to set up a meeting, or would like me to visit with your student regarding a concern you have please let me know! We also offer counseling through outside providers for both students and families! For more information, simply click on the PBA link on this page or email me at [email protected]